Name (Last, First, M. I.)

Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms. other)

Organization (workplace)

Home Street Address

Address (continued)



Zip/Postal Code

County (Franklin; etc.)

Work Phone

Home Phone

FAX Phone

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

Your Web Site - Address 


Date of Birth


Date of Birth


    Male                    Female

Please tell us, are you:

If  married, please tell us about your spouse:

If you have children, please list their names and ages:

Are you a:

Guardian (of a minor child or an adult) or  a                                                    .  foster parent

If you are, please list their name(s) and age(s)

In a brief paragraph, please tell us about your occupation or career

Please tell us about any skills you would like to share with your Friendship members:

Please review our Friendship Directory, Handbook, and Web site (http:\\ and list any Ministries, Services, and/or Church Directory you will participate in (Ushering; Teaching; etc.):

Now, please enter any questions, comments, or concerns you wish to add:

Please provide the following contact information:

Married Single  Widowed Divorced

This form is intended to provide information that will help us to know and better serve all members of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. This information will not be given out to sources outside of the church, and will serve to provide only general information about the Friendship members.

Author:  Webmaster,  Copyright     2004 [].  All rights reserved.         . Revised: March 26, 2011

Please tell us about  yourself: